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Teen Gynecologist Appointment? Read Our Teen FAQ

Author: Manisha Purohit, M.D., FACOG

A first trip to the gynecologist isn’t exactly something your teenage daughter is looking forward to. But for some teens, seeing a gynecologist is something that should happen sooner rather than later. At Arizona Associates for Women’s Health, we see patients as young as 13, the youngest age at which the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends a first exam.

When should I schedule a gynecologist appointment for my teen?

While the ACOG recommends age 13-15 for a first appointment, the decision is entirely up to the parents and patient. Teens who are not sexually active and are experiencing no GYN health issues may be fine waiting until age 18 for a first appointment. Visits are strongly recommended for all women who are sexually active. Annual visits should begin at age 21 with a pap smear.

If you’re not sure whether or not you should schedule a gynecologist appointment for your teen, talk to her primary care provider, or call our offices at 480-257-2700.

What will happen during my teen’s appointment?

Your teen’s first gynecological appointment (and the annual appointments that will follow) has three objectives. First, we want to provide information. Some girls may have questions that they are afraid to ask mom, but will open up to a gynecologist who puts them at ease. Secondly, the appointment is a chance to learn about prevention. We’ll go over some basics about avoiding pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, infection, and dealing with other health and social issues. Lastly, treatment (or a plan for treatment) will be included in this appointment.

The actual examination process for teens that are not sexually active (and have no known GYN conditions) is almost always external only; there is very rarely a need for an internal examination, which should put your teen at ease! A full pelvic exam may be required if reproductive health issues are discovered. 

Schedule An Appointment With a Gynecologist In Mesa

For more information on choosing a gynecologist for your teen, view this page. To schedule a gynecologist appointment for your teen, call 480-257-2700. You can also schedule your teen’s appointment online.
Please consult with your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines.



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